ACD Refrigeration

The Ultimate Guide to Home AC Maintenance and Cleaning


The Ultimate Guide to Home AC Maintenance and Cleaning

Your trusty home AC system is essential to keep your home comfortable. But like any other appliance, it needs regular maintenance and cleaning to keep it running efficiently and prevent costly repairs. Some of this you can and should do. Neglecting this essential upkeep could lead to higher energy bills and compromise the air quality in your home.

This ultimate guide will walk you through the essential steps of maintaining and cleaning your home’s AC unit. Read on to learn more!

Why Air Condition System Maintenance is Important?

Regular maintenance is crucial to keep it running efficiently, especially during the summer season. It also allows you to save energy, extend the lifespan of your AC system, and prevent costly repairs.

Here are several benefits of AC maintenance:

Improved Efficiency

A well-maintained AC system will use less energy to cool your home, which can save you money on your energy bills.

Energy Savings

A study by the U.S. Department of Energy found that homeowners who had their AC units serviced annually saved an average of 15% on their energy bills.

Prolonged Lifespan

Regular maintenance can help to extend the lifespan of your AC system by preventing wear and tear.

Prevent Repairs

A minor problem with your AC system can quickly turn into a major repair if it’s not addressed. Regular maintenance can help to catch and fix small problems before they become big ones.

Professional AC unit maintenance from a qualified technician can clean and inspect your AC system, replace worn parts, and make sure it’s running efficiently. Include maintenance visits as part of your home upkeep schedule.

What You Can Do to Maintain and Clean Your AC at Home

Here’s a simple guide on how to maintain and clean your AC at home:

Change the Air Filter Regularly

A clogged air filter restricts airflow, making your home AC work harder. Replace or clean it every 1-3 months to ensure proper air circulation.

Clean the Condenser Coils

Over time, dirt and debris can accumulate on the condenser coils, reducing efficiency. Use a hose to gently clean them and remove obstructions around the unit.

Check the Refrigerant Levels

Low refrigerant levels can harm your system’s performance. If you notice a drop in cooling power, call a professional to check and recharge the refrigerant.

Inspect the Ductwork

Leaks or blockages in your ducts can waste energy and reduce cooling. Seal any leaks with duct tape and hire a technician for a thorough inspection.

Schedule an Annual AC System Inspection

Plan to have your system looked at at least once a year. Many of our ACD Refrigeration Equipment Company customers find the fall a good time, after their AC has worked hard all summer long. You may need to have ducts cleaned and have your heating system reviewed as we prepare for the cold winter.

Get Reliable Home AC Maintenance and Cleaning With Boston HVAC Company

Your home AC is an important investment that deserves regular maintenance and cleaning to keep it running efficiently and prevent costly repairs. At ACD Refrigeration Equipment Co, we understand the ins and outs of AC systems like no one else. With years of expertise under our belt, our professional technicians are masters at optimizing your air conditioning units and ensuring they operate at peak efficiency.

No air conditioning unit lasts forever but our team knows how to get the most from your AC’s lifespan. From routine maintenance checks to expert repairs, we’ve got you covered. And when you need a new system, we can handle that too.

Schedule an inspection, routine maintenance visit, or repairs today! Call us at (781) 231-1393 or complete our online form to let us know how we can keep your home comfortably cool. Your AC deserves the best, and so do you.